Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A payroll is a company's

payroll is a company's list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to:
  • the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees
  • a company's records of its employees' salaries and wagesbonuses, and withheld taxes
  • the company's department that calculates funds and pays these.[1]
Payroll in the sense of "money paid to employees" plays a major role in a company for several reasons.
From an accounting perspective, payroll is crucial because payroll and payroll taxes considerably affect the net income of most companies and because they are subject to laws and regulations (e.g. in the US, payroll is subject to federal, state, and local regulations).
From a human resources viewpoint, the payroll department is critical because employees are sensitive to payroll errors and irregularities: Good employee morale requires payroll to be paid timely and accurately. The primary mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions, and that the withholdings and deductions are remitted in a timely manner. This includes salary payments, tax withholdings, and deductions from paychecks.
Mas Tax Accounting Services
Phone: (305) 227-7210
Fax: (305) 227-4240

Monday, July 30, 2018

Taxes Corporativos 2017 Extensión Sep 15 2018

Taxes Corporativos 2017
A todos los clientes que solicitaron extensión para la presentación de sus taxes corporativos, la fecha de la próxima oportunidad debe ser antes de septiembre 15th de 2018.

Mas Tax Accounting Services.

Phone: (305) 227-7210
Fax: (305) 227-4240

Important Tax Deadlines and Dates second semester

3rd Quarter 2018 Estimated Tax Payment DueIf you are self-employed or have other third-quarter income that requires you to pay quarterly estimated taxes, make sure your third quarter payment is postmarked by Sept. 17, 2018 tax deadline.

   October 15, 2018
Extended Individual Tax Returns Due
If you got a filing extension on your 2017 tax return, you need to get it completed and postmarked by October 15, 2018.

Last Chance to Recharacterize 2017 Roth IRA ConversionIf you converted a traditional IRA to a Roth during 2017 and paid tax on the conversion with your 2016 return, October 15 2018 is the deadline for recharacterizing (undoing) the conversion. Doing so could save you money if the IRA has lost money since the time of the original conversion.
Devolución de impuestos individuales extendidos Si recibió una extensión de presentación en su declaración de impuestos 2017, debe completarla y enviarla por correo antes del 15 de octubre de 2018. Última oportunidad para volver a caracterizar la conversión Roth IRA 2017 Si convirtió una IRA tradicional a Roth durante 2017 y el impuesto pagado sobre la conversión con su declaración de 2016, 15 de octubre de 2018 es la fecha límite para recaracterizar (deshacer) la conversión. Hacerlo podría ahorrarle dinero si el IRA ha perdido dinero desde el momento de la conversión original. 

   January 15, 2019
4th Quarter 2018 Estimated Tax Payment DueIf you are self-employed or have other fourth-quarter income that requires you to pay quarterly estimated taxes, get them postmarked by January 15, 2019 tax deadline.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Taxes 2017 extension octubre 2017

Consejo Tributario del IRS 2018–110SP
En Esta Edición
El lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018, es la fecha de vencimiento de prórrogas para la mayoría de los contribuyentes que solicitaron seis meses adicionales para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2017.
Para los contribuyentes que todavía no han presentado, deben tener en cuenta los siguientes consejos acerca de la fecha de vencimiento de la prórroga y los impuestos:

Mas Tax Accounting Services
Phone: (305) 227-7210
Fax: (305) 227-4240

ACCOUNTING SERVICES KENDALL #kendall accounting tax services corporate

 We take care of all your accounting needs.
 Bookkeeping services.
 Business & personal tax preparation.

 CRA representation and audits.
Accounting programs setup. 
 Business start up advice.
 Free consultation.

We offer full bookkeeping services including at site bookkeeping. Highly experienced in QuickBooks.
Tax services:
Corporation and personal tax returns filing, CRA representation and audits, Corporate rollover, Payroll, RT-6, 940, and 941 filing.
Start up Advice:
We offer advice on how to start up a business including incorporation, applying for business numbers, and business plans. Setting up business accounting programs.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Para Venezolano #kendall accounting tax services corporate

Buenos dias Caracas
Un sitio para todos los chamos que emigramos hacia este pais para poder conseguir un futuro mejor. Para ayudarnos y apoyarnos. Bienvenidos todos!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Los contribuyentes cuyos ITINs se vencen pueden renovarlos ahora

Los contribuyentes cuyos ITINs se vencen pueden renovarlos ahora
Mas Tax Accounting Services
Phone: (305) 227-7210
Fax: (305) 227-4240

Kendall Accounting & Tax Services

10 ways to get a jump start on your taxes Miami Tax & Accounting Services Income Tax - Advantage Income Tax Service MasTax Accou...